Tour De Bun Bicycle Classic - July 26, 2025
Tour De Bun Bicycle Classic - July 26, 2025
Due to road construction, the 2025 Tour de Bun rides will be slightly altered.
Come and join us for a ride in the heart of Minnesota Czech Country in scenic Le Sueur County on Saturday of Kolacky Days. The Tour de Bun consists of three overlapping loops: the 15-mile Statková Jízda (Homestead Ride), the 35-mile Osadnický Okruh (Pioneer Loop), and the 50-mile Okruh Zelených Akrů (Green Acres Loop). Each route will have refreshment stops at various points and will provide scenic rural countryside on paved, lightly traveled roads. After the tour, riders will have plenty of time to participate in all the Kolacky Days weekend festivities.
Montgomery is a short drive south of the Twin Cities, located 20 miles south of Prior Lake on MN Hwy. 13, and 20 miles northwest of Faribault on Hwy. 21.
If registering multiple bicycle riders, please enter a maximum quantity of one (1), complete the registration form, add to cart, and proceed to do the same for each additional entry.
On-Site Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. at the Memorial Park Stadium Grandstand. Parking is available near the starting line. Enter off of Oak Ave. SE and turn south onto 2nd Street SE near the railroad tracks and proceed onto Park Lane. Parking is available on both sides of Park Lane between the railroad tracks and the outfield of Memorial Park Field. Parking is also available along the 3rd base line and near the grandstand.
The ride will begin at 8 a.m. All participants should complete the ride and return to the Memorial Park Stadium by 1 p.m.
A vehicle will patrol the routes in case assistance or repairs are needed.
Riders under 18 years of age MUST have a parent/guardian complete the registration form.
Helmets are required!
Entries MUST be received by July 13 for the $30 Entry fee. Entries received after July 13 or postmarked after July 13, the Entry fee is $35.
Entry fee includes a Tour de Bun T-shirt, ONLY if pre-registered, and refreshments during and after the ride.