2025 Button Design Winner - Dawn (Ruhland) Elfstrand
Here’s your chance to become a part of the Kolacky Days tradition! The Montgomery Area Community Club (MACC) would like to invite you to design the 92nd Annual Kolacky Days Button with your vision. The winning design will appear on the collectible souvenir button and may appear on select advertising. The winner will receive $150 Monty Bucks, a Kolacky Days T-Shirt, an oversized Collectible Kolacky Days Button, two (2) Kolacky Days buttons, media coverage and see his/her design all over the Kolacky Capital!
Who: Open to anyone of any age who feels creative.
What: Create an original Kolacky Days design for the 2026 button
When: Designs accepted until October 31, 2025
Email: KolackyDays@gmail.com or
Mail to: Montgomery Area Community Club
206 1st Street S.
Montgomery, MN 56069
When submitting a design, please include name, phone, address, and email. The information will only be used by MACC to inform the winner.
Button Design Criteria
1. Be of a Round, Oval, or Rectangle Design
2. Design must include the following words:
Kolacky Days
92nd Annual
July 24 – 26, 2026
Montgomery, MN, Minn. or Minnesota
Optional: Kolacky Capital of the World
3. Design can be hand-drawn or done on a computer.
4. Must be in Color and you may use as many colors as desired. However, it is recommended to use no more than 3.
5. Designs will not be returned. All designs become the property of the MACC and may be slightly altered. Original artwork and design will be used if possible.
6. When submitting a design, please include name, phone, address, and email.
7. Entries that do not meet the above requirements may be disqualified.
Selection Process
ALL current MACC members will VOTE on their favorite design at the Rustic Farmer on Monday, November 3, 2025, starting at 6:00 pm. When voting, members will be asked to judge the button designs on simplicity, creativity, and displaying community pride.
For More Information
2026 Button Design Guidelines & Entry Form
For more information, please contact Tom Washa or by emailing us at KolackyDays@gmail.com.