About The Fund

The Montgomery Area Community Club (MACC) is committed to ensuring the longevity of the Montgomery Kolacky Royalty Scholarships. In 2023, the MACC worked with the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) to establish an affiliated fund as a way to raise funds for an Endowed Scholarship. The fund will support our Royalty in their pursuit for further education and will continue to impact lives for generations to come.

What is an Endowed Scholarship Fund?

An endowment fund is one which receives private gifts which are permanently invested by the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) who has been selected by the Montgomery Area Community Club (MACC) to act as the fiscal host and will provide investment management of any funds for the benefit of the Montgomery Kolacky Days Royalty. These funds earn investment income, which is paid out each year to award the scholarships. The principal is retained for investment and growth. This should provide a perpetual source of annual scholarships as long as the Kolacky Queen traditions survives. Gifts can be made in any amount.

Does the Endowed Scholarshop Fund provide tax benefits?

As an affiliated fund of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization, all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

For More Information

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact any of the members of the Executive Board.

"When reflecting on my time as part of the Kolacky Royalty, the joyous memories of connecting and sharing stories with those I met will always stick with me. Throughout this year, I learned the value of leadership, service, and developing myself as a young professional. Representing my community was an extreme honor and has led me to countless more opportunities to grow myself and serve my community area."

- Rachel Rynda,2020 Kolacky Queen & Agricultural Business & Dairy Science Student at University of Wisconsin - River Falls

The Perfect Opportunity to:

  • Pay tribute to your family past or present

  • Commemorate a special event

  • Remember or honor a loved one like past Kolacky Royalty or Grand Marshal

  • Show your club or business supports the Kolacky Royalty

  • Recognize other noteworthy events

Donation Options

  • Personal/Business Checks

    Make checks payable to the Montgomery Kolacky Royalty Endowed Scholarship Fund and mail them to 206 1st St. S, Montgomery, MN 56069

  • Donate Online

    Visit Donate to SMIF - Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (smifoundation.org), select Other (Write in Special Instructions), and add a comment noting the donation is for “Montgomery Kolacky Royalty Endowed Scholarshop Fund”. If the gift is on behalf or in memory of please add a comment or if you wish for the donation to be remain anonymous.

2023 High Tea Event

Montgomery Kolacky Royalty Endowed Scholarship Fund Donors

Koruna (Crown) Circle - $10,000 +

  • Anonymous

  • Dr. Nic Moga

Diadém (Diadem) Circle - $5,000-$9,999

  • Dawn Anderson - 1993 Kolacky Days 1st Princess

  • Leonard & Joan Ouradnik - 1957 Kolacky Queen & 2004 Grand Marshals

Korunka (Coronet) Circle - $1,000-$4,999

  • Abby Bisek - Bisek Interiors & 1998 Kolacky Days 2nd Princess

  • Diane Moeller - 1981 Kolacky Days 2nd Princess

  • Anonymous 

  • In Honor of Gladys (Soulek) Nickolay - 1948 Kolacky Queen - Chuck & Barb Nickolay

  • In Memory of Ronald & Mary Tupy

  • Dale & Nan (Zelenka) Washa

  • Thomas Washa

& the 6 Tiára (Tiara) Circle Donors - $1 - $999