Kolacky Royalty Remembered - 90th Anniversary - July 2024
The Kolacky Pageant began at the 3rd Annual Kolacky Days in 1931 with the townspeople voting on their favorite candidate by donating one cent per vote. Many changes have taken place over the years, and our royalty is now chosen by a panel of judges at the pageant which is held the Friday night of Kolacky Days. The Kolacky Days Royalty consists of Queen, 1st Princess, 2nd Princess, and Miss Congeniality, who is chosen by her candidate peers. The royalty represents Montgomery and Kolacky Days at a number of events throughout the year. They are most often recognized by their Czech attire which consists of white blouses, red skirts with decorative ribbons, and a black cummerbund.
In March or April, our committee notifies our local High School Juniors that it is time to begin thinking about whether or not they want to participate in the Kolacky Pageant. The pageant is open to all High School Juniors who live within a five mile radius of Montgomery or Kilkenny. Invitations are sent to the Junior girls who attend TCU High School in Montgomery. Petition forms are available for girls that would like to participate, but do not attend TCU High School or live within the five mile radius areas.
Candidates participate in several activities throughout the months of May, June, and July to prepare for the pageant. The reigning royalty participate with them in order to encourage and coach them in their preparation for the pageant. These activities, give our candidates an opportunity to volunteer their time, get to know the people of our community, grow in their friendships with one another, and better their communication skills, not to mention all the fun that they have!
No sponsorship is required to run for the Kolacky Royalty. Instead our candidates are required to sell the festival buttons which help to advertise and fund our activities. This also gives the girls a chance to get out and meet people.
The 2024 and 2023 Montgomery Kolacky Royalty
Becoming Kolacky Royalty
Candidates are judged in three categories: Interview, Talent, and Evening Gown. The Interview portion is held earlier on the pageant day in a private session with the judges. The Talent and Evening Gown portions are judged during the pageant. The Kolacky Royalty begin their reign immediately following the crowning by attending all the Kolacky Days festivities during the weekend. They represent the Montgomery Community and Kolacky Days at several events throughout the following year. Some of these events include parades, local community events, and other activities of their choice. Attendance is required at 15 specific events during the year, but with so many more to choose from, our Royalty will often choose to participate in additional ones.
For their reign, our Royalty is provided with a crown, flowers, sash, and Czech attire to wear at their events. Following their reign and a successful completion of one semester at an accredited post-secondary school, our Queen receives at $3000 scholarship; 1st Princess receives a $2000 scholarship; 2nd Princess receives a $1500 scholarship; and Miss Congeniality receives a $1000 scholarship.
A Special Thank You!
2024 Kolacky Days Pageant Committee
Front Row: Jessie Hammerberg, Rachel Rynda, Marisa Rotter, Anna Franek, Maria Hanson, and Annie Huxford,
Back Row: Christine Trcka, Sarah Mejia, Rianna Doyle, Anne Doyle, Elly Bednar, Angie Budin, and Nichole Tuma
Missing from photo: Hilary Birdsell
The Montgomery Area Community Club would like to THANK the many volunteers that make the Kolacky Days Pageant a reality! Without them this event with a proud past and promising future would not be what it is today! Many more are involved but a special thanks to the following chairs:
General Chair: Anne Doyle
Backstage Co-Chairs: Rachel Rynda & Christine Trcka
Candidate Registration & Activities Co-Chairs: Maria Hanson & Annie Huxford
Judging Co-Chairs: Rianna Doyle & Jessie Hammerberg
Opening Number Co-Chairs: Elly Bednar & Anna Franek
Pageant Button Chair: Lisa Schroeder
Royalty Coordinator: Angie Budin
Social Media Chair: Rianna Doyle
Sounds & Lights Chair: Sarah Mejia
Stage Decoration Chair: Hilary Birdsell
Ticket Co-Chairs: Anne Doyle & Nichole Tuma